Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snipsly : Earn Through Adsense Revenue Share from your Articles

Snipsly is yet another Adsense revenue sharing sites, which are seems to be sprouting like mushrooms all over the web. Here is a look at Snipsly to help you decide whether the site will be worth your while:

Publishing Policies of Snipsly
As of now Snipsly only publishes unique and previously unpublished articles and it is unlikely that it will change anytime soon. Apart from that however, their publishing guidelines are pretty modest: reasonably correct spelling and grammar and a minimum article length of 3 sentences (though I trust you will have to write significantly more to attract any sort of search engine traffic). They accept posts on just about any topic but has a separate Topics that Earn which is one of the most comprehensive and comprehensible idea banks to be found anywhere on the web. Another great think about Snipsly is that unlike a number of similar sites, like Xomba and Bukisa, all links in your Snipsly article are Dofollow allowing you to use Snipsly to create quality backlinks to your personal website or blog.

User Interface of Snipsly
Snipsly uses the standard WordPress 3 interface which makes it a very comfortable place to write, especially if you have maintained a WordPress blog before. For those who do not have any such experience, the WordPress writing platform is probably the simplest and most minimalist one available today and great for churning fast articles along with text wrapped photos and videos. However, it lacks the fancy stuff like RSS feeds, News capsules and Amazon and E-Bay modules of Hubpages and Squidoo.

Author Compensation Policy of Snipsly
Snipsly offers a very competitive 80% Adsense revenue share by author-admin display ratio. However, you need to have an approved Adsense account to be able to earn from Snipsly. Alternately you can use your Snipsly profile to get an Adsense account (but this is probably not as easy as it sounds).

A Few Things You Should Know About Snipsly
 Since its launching in October 2009, Snipsly has grown steadily and rapidly is creating quite a bit of noise in the world of content writing. If forum posts are to be believed Snipsly is handling its SEO really well and generating decent pageviews for its contributers. Also the general quality of articles at Snipsly are also of a pretty high quality. However, quite a few the articles I came across at Snipsly reeked of the rank amateur (like   posts without any subheadings or illustrations even for topics like Fall Fashion 2011) which leads me to think that for some reason or other, Snipsly is not attracting as many serious content writers as Hubpages, Squidoo or Suite101 but is being deemed primarily as a place for publishing 5 minutes articles (like Triond).
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